Cameroon (University of Yaoundé I) Decisions on the selection of candidates for the ICT4D Pro License – Master 2 and Doctorate PhD in the CRFDs for the 2022-2023 academic year
- Decision on the selection of PhD candidates CRFD STG MIBA FS 2022-2023 ;
- Decision on the selection of candidates for the Pro License in ICT4D INFO FS 2022-2023 ;
- Decision on the selection of candidates for Master 2 CRFD STG MIBA FS 2022-2023 ;
- Decision on the selection of candidates for the Doctorate PhD CRFD STG SIA ENSPY 2022-2023 ;
- Decision on the selection of candidates for the Doctorate PhD CRFD STG PA FS 2022-2023 ;
- Decision on the selection of candidates for the Doctorate PhD CRFD STG GA FS 2022-2023 ;
- Additive list of candidates selected for PhD at CRDF SHSE 2022-2023;
- Additive list of candidates selected for Master 2 at CRDF SHSE 2022-2023;