Benin (University of Parakou) Sexual And Reproductive Health Education University Of Parakou Students Sensitized

On Tuesday, June 14, 2022, an awareness session for adolescents and young students on sexual and reproductive health took place at the Solidarity amphitheater of the University of Parakou (Up). It took place in the presence of the Pls-Th coordinator Justin Togbé, the representative of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Yvette Onibon, that of the rector Diane Gandonou, students and many others.
The issue of the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and young people at the University of Parakou (Up) is of concern to actors in the academic world. This is what explains the holding of this awareness session.
The representative of the rector Diane Gandonou, welcomed this meeting which comes at the right time. According to him, it will prevent early pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. She invited the students to put into practice the teachings received.
In his presentation, Pls-Th coordinator Justin Togbé presented sexually transmitted diseases, the causes of these diseases and consequences. The means of prevention were also presented to the students.
For her part, the representative of Minister Yvette Onibon said that sexuality determines the future of youth. “Sexual and reproductive health is a theme as we all know, very important for young people. Sexuality is the future of youth and youth is the future of the country. In the university space, we are with young people who need our support to be able to ensure responsible and effective management of their sexuality. Our role is to help you manage the situations you face. Because a badly managed sexuality generates consequences, ”she said.
For Dr. Belfas Adoho, doctor at the University and Social Works Center of the University of Abomey-Calavi (Cous-Uac), the University of Parakou offers services in matters of sexual and reproductive health. “We realized that when it comes to sexual health among adolescents, there are too many problems. And in relation to this question of sexual health, the Cous-P has two infirmaries. An infirmary at the University of Parakou (Up) and one at the University Center of Natitingou. When you have an infirmary at the University, the consultation is free. Also in the infirmary you have the possibility to buy the tablets at subsidized prices. You also have the possibility of having access to sexual and reproductive health service offers”, he underlined.
It should be remembered that the participants, during this session, asked various questions on sexuality and reproduction and received reliable answers.