
The objectives of the African SDGs Universities initiative include, but are not limited to:

  • A golden opportunity for all African universities to join the global conversation on SD and how to achieve the UN’s 17 SDGs.
  • In the post-Covid-19 era of global skills and the knowledge race, the initiative will help African universities accomplish their natural and ascribed roles as a strategic agent for their countries’ national collective efforts to catch-up and be on track to achieve the UN’s 17 SDGs.
  • Help universities integrate and reconnect their curriculum in all 17 SDGs relevant subjects and place more focus on issues relevant to their countries’ developmental needs.
  • Help universities to become more sensitive and responsive to developing graduates who can compete in the global and intensely competitive knowledge/digital economy. Therefore, universities will become more attractive to new students who are very keen to join universities which can help them better understand the global sustainability challenges and how to solve these problems in the future.
  • Help universities improve their various research activities to achieve the UN 17 SDGs and provide practical recommendations and actions to help universities transform the way they conduct and use research to achieve the UN 17 SDGs. University will also be able to attract more research funding from different organisations in Africa and across the world who are very keen to fund research projects focusing on issues around the UN 17 SDGs.