Cameroon (University of Bamenda) UBa 2022 Pedagogic Seminar Focuses On The NDS 30 And The Development Capital.

With the view to enhance the structural transformation of the economy, the development of human capital and the wellbeing as well as the employability and sociological integration of graduates,UBa 2022 Pedagogic Seminar Focuses On the NDS 30 and the Development Capital.
With the view to enhance the structural transformation of the economy, the development of human capital and the wellbeing as well as the employability and sociological integration of graduates, the academic staff of UBa have been called upon to align their programmes to meet these well defined objectives of higher education in Cameroon, outlined in the National Development Strategy NDS 2020-2030.
This was the substance of the keynote address of the VC, Professor Theresia Nkuo-Akenji to the teaching staff of UBa while opening a two day pedagogic seminar that opened in the University October 11th 2022.Professor Theresia Nkuo-Akenji , underscored the need for the teaching staff of The University of Bamenda to embrace the Action Priority Matrix Approach(APM) in teaching which shall go a long way to empower university learners with skills that will make them professionals upon graduation.
“We are implementing the national development strategy 30 which aligns to the higher education which calls on us to train teachers to change the approach of teaching. They ought to be critical in thinking and orientation of teaching so that students are imparted with skills that after graduation they are self employed and they contribute to the economic development of the nation” the VC said.
Holding with the theme, the University of Bamenda at the service of the nation through the implementation of the higher education priority matrix.The Vice-Chancellor appreciated the teaching staff on the performance of the previous academic year and called on the teachers to fine tune measure for a better progress this school year.
It was also an opportunity for the Vice Chancellor to announce that this new school year in The university of Bamenda shall have new programmes introduced like psychiatric nursing, because of the general need for mental health in the country, the promotion of bilingualism through programmes at the university of Bamenda language centre as well as the kick off of a PhD programme in Development and Communication studies.