Mozambique (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane) Philippe Durance calls for debate on Africa’s future

Full Professor Philippe Durance defended that universities should increasingly promote debates that help define the future of Africa, claiming that the problems that undermine the continent’s development require the involvement of all key actors.
The French academic was speaking this Thursday, at the Main Campus, during a lecture called “Prospectiva – Imagining the future of Africa”, organized by UEM in partnership with UNESCO, through the French Embassy.
On the occasion, Durance, who is Director of Innovation at the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers in Paris, France, stated that social actors such as the university, governments and society in general must together explore all possibilities to find solutions to current challenges. of the continent at the risk of seeing Africa compromised.
“For this purpose, there are different ways, such as, for example, the prospective method that can be used to jointly imagine the future of Africa, the strategic prospective that is aimed at decision makers, thus accompanying the evolution of the world”, he said. he.
He explained that Prospective is a method of philosophy, created by French-Senegalese philosopher Gaston Berger, aiming to advance with the possibilities of thinking about the future of the African continent.


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