Mozambique (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane) Mathematics science specialists share new trends in Maputo

Experts from the field of mathematics met in Maputo (from 22 to 25/11) at the 41st Conference of the Association of Mathematical Sciences of Southern Africa (SAMSA), to share new trends in mathematical applications and the developments registered in the field of mathematics and mathematics. Applied mathematics, new areas of research, not only in pure mathematics, but also in all other fields of science that make use of the discipline.
Specifically, SAMSA 2022 aims to stimulate regional and international collaboration, training, research and outreach within and outside the region; establish an interdisciplinary platform for policy makers, managers, researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the latest innovations, trends and concerns, as well as practical challenges and solutions adopted in different areas of mathematical application.
At the opening of the event, the Rector of UEM, Prof. Doctor Manuel Guilherme Júnior, said that Mathematics should be conceived as a driving force for the dynamization of logical thinking and the appropriation of science on different fronts, justifying that other various sciences such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Drawing, Informatics, the Social Sciences, the Arts, even philosophy apply the principles of Mathematics to the elaboration of their functional principles.
For the Rector, the deepening of issues related to mathematics is central in that it allows systematizing and retaining recommendations that can lead to the establishment of a common platform in the context of mathematics education in the countries of the region in the current phase of social, cultural development and scientific.
“Mathematical scientists from our region have in this Conference an appropriate space to show their skills and their contribution to the development of Mathematics”, he said.
The president of SAMSA, Prof. Doctor Sandile Motsa, explained that the conference will also be an opportunity to create contact networks between academics in this specialty.
The event, which took place under the motto “Mathematical sciences for technological innovation and human development”, focused on topics such as algebra, biostatistics, financial mathematics, mathematical biology, theoretical physics, mathematical education, data science, fluid dynamics and discrete mathematics .