Red Sea University (Somalia) – Phase II of the Poultry Training Program

Phase II of the Poultry Training Program is underway at Jimma University, Ethiopia. Red Sea University is proud to partner with Aeres Training Center, The Netherlands and Jimma University, Ethiopia through this Tailor Made Plus project funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by NUFFIC.
Phase I of this training was hosted by Red Sea University, Somalia and held in Garowe last year.
Most of the participants are lecturers and government employees.|
Qaybtii 2aad ee tababarka Dhaqashada Digaagga ayaa lagu qabtay Jaamacadda Jimma ee Itoobiya. Jaamacadda Badda Cas waxaa sharaf u ah in ay qayb ka tahay tababarkan oo ay bixinayso Xarunta Tababarrada ee Aeres Training Center International, Nadarlaan iyo Jaamacadda Jimma ee Itoobiya, ayna maalgelinayso Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda ee Nadarlaan oo ay u maamusho NUFFIC.
Tababarka qaybtii koowaad oo ay martigelinaysay Jaamacadda Badda Cas ayaa sanadkii hore lagu qabtay Magaalada Garoowe.
Dadka tababarka ka faa’iidaysanaya badankoodu waa macallimiin jaamacadeed iyo shaqaale wasaaradeed.