Egypt (MSA University) Personalities & Strategies Workshop

@ SSB cinema hall
The Faculty of Mass Communication is inviting you to a cutting-edge workshop entitled “Personalities & Strategies” given by the certified life coach Ms. Esraa Zaki.
This session will make you discover your inner strength points and is very important for students and graduates who are about to join the job market.
People have many different points of view, perceptions, actions, and reactions which made them at some point feel not understood, can’t achieve, and fall in conflict with each other’s, that’s when they need to understand their own pattern of behavior, to realize their needs, strengths, and areas that they need to develop.
Enneagram is one of the professional psychometric tools to help you understand your preferred strategy as others too and will be used to make you discover yourself.
Esraa Zaki is an Associate Certified Coach, specializing in Executive and self-relationships. She is also a certified Enneagram facilitator (a personality identification tool) who finished 500+ coaching hours. She has been a practitioner in this field for 7 years of coaching, co-leading, assisting, and learning experiences in the fields of personal and organizational development. In addition, she had the opportunity to assist and co-lead in various consultancy, coaching, training, and development projects with various organizations