Dedan Kimathi University of Technology Groundbreaking Ceremony of Comprehensive Cancer ManagementCentre
We had the privilege of hosting His Excellency UhuruKenyatta,CGH, President of the Republic of Kenya,who officiated the Dedan Kimathi University Comprehensive Cancer Managemer Centre’s groundbreaking ceremony.
The establishment of the Dedan Kimathi University Comprehensive Cancer ManagementCentre is in linewith the Kenya Vision 2030, which aims at providing high-quality and affordable health care to improvethe quality of life for Kenyans. It is also in line with the Big 4 Agenda that aims to achieve UniversalHealth Care.
The Cancer Management Centre will become a national and regional centre of excellence in cancerresearch and management. It will be a 150 inpatient and ten intensive care bed capacity Hospital and isenvisaged to serve patients drawn from Nyeri, Laikipia,Samburu, Isiolo, Kirinyaga, Murang’a, Meru,Tharaka-Nthi, Embu and Nyandarua regions. Its design, which emphasizes the full range of healthcarefrom scanning, diagnosis, treatment, and palliative care, aims to fill the gaps in cancer care in the region interms of early diagnosis and treatment.