Multimedia University of Kenya Dr. Ugangu Appointed Member of Media Policy Taskforce

Multimedia University of Kenya’s Associate Dean, Faculty of Media and Communication, Dr. Wilson Ugangu has been appointed a member of Kenya Media Policy Guidelines Taskforce.
The 13-member taskforce will undertake a comprehensive review of Kenya Media Policy Guidelines, identify gaps or inconsistencies, propose specific policy and legislative review requirements and develop reviewed draft media policy guidelines among others.
Speaking at the University, Dr. Ugangu said that he is delighted to serve in the taskforce adding that the media landscape is changing and therefore the need to have a regulatory framework that is responsive to the sector’s challenges.
“The call for this review has been occasioned by the changes in the media landscape. Stakeholders have to come together to review the existing policies and come up with a regulatory framework that is dynamic and responsive to media challenges,” said Dr. Ugangu.
Dr. Ugangu boasts of an illustrious career capped with a wealth of experience spanning over twenty years in teaching and practice in the field of communication.
The Don has written and researched extensively on topics relating to Kenya’s and Africa’s media landscape including issues of policy, democracy and participation.
Currently, he serves on the board of the East Africa Communication Association (EACA) as President.
Dr. Ugangu has also worked in key strategic media and communication-related roles with various organizations including the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the African Council on Communication Education (ACCE), among others. He has served in various consultancy roles for several national and international organizations, including UNESCO, former UNIFEM (now UN Women), JICA, ILRI (CCAFS), ASARECA, COMESA and Open Society Initiative among others.
Other members of the task force are Henry Omusundi – Chairperson, Dorothy Njoroge, Muiru Ngugi, Judie Kaberi, Judie Munyiri, Christopher Maina, Victor Bwire, Dinah Ondari Chepkemei June, Ibrahim Oduor and Casty Michemi.
The task force will serve for three months with effect from October 2021.