Université Pelefero Gon Coulibaly (Ivory Coast) – Doctoral Thesis Defense the Upgc Has Its Very First Doctor

The doctoral thesis, publicly defended by Mr. ASSOUMAN Jean Simon Konan, on May 14, 2022 , focuses on the theme “Phenotypic diversity and analysis of crossing parameters in cowpea cultivars [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] collected in the North from Ivory Coast “. This Unique Doctorate is the very first thesis defended at the University Peleforo GON COULIBALY of Korhogo. It should be recalled, for all intents and purposes, that the University Peleforo GON COULIBALY (UPGC) was created by Decree No. 2012-985 of October 10, 2012. The first academic year, which marks the opening of the Institution and the assignment of the first class of students, is in 2012-2013. At its creation, the University Peleforo GON COULIBALY, like the public universities of Côte d’Ivoire, adopted the LMD system (license-master-doctorate), which corresponds respectively to the three, five and eight years of study at University. For practical reasons, linked in particular to the implementation of and scrupulous compliance with the provisions of the regulations in force with regard to the defense of a doctoral thesis,
This first thesis defense takes place within the official deadlines prescribed by the LMD and in accordance with international standards. It is, in this case, a fine performance to be credited to the Institution and its first manager, Professor COULIBALY Adama , who knew how to mobilize the resources and means necessary to allow the first doctoral student to University Peleforo GON COULIBALY to access the highest grade of the LMD system, nine academic years after the opening and ten years after the creation of the UPGC.
At the end of a masterful presentation which lasted 45 minutes, the jury unanimously praised the important documented work of Mr. ASSOUMAN. This thesis also responds to a major problem in this northern region of Côte d’Ivoire, where cowpea is a widely consumed commodity. Also the jury composed of eminent specialists in the discipline and chaired by Professor COULIBALY Adama, also president of the UPGC, invited the applicant to translate into seeds the fruit of his research for the benefit of cowpea farmers. . After a short deliberation, the jury judged admissible the thesis of Mr. ASSOUMAN Jean Simon Konan and awarded him the title of Doctor of Biological Sciences from the University Peleforo GON COULIBALY, with the mention Very Honorable and the Congratulations of the jury.A verdict greeted with cries of joy and rounds of applause from the large audience made up of students, parents, friends and acquaintances, who stormed the C amphitheater of the UPGC this Saturday, May 14, 2022 to attend this historic defence. The administrative, political and customary authorities of the city of Korhogo enhanced the event with their presence. It must be said that several other finishing theses in the various UFRs of the University of Korhogo will be defended soon.