Dedan Kimathi University of Technology’s Centre for lndustrial Productivity & Engineering collaborates with Torrent East Africa Ltd

Productivity is one of the main concerns of business management and engineering and establishment ofways and means of analyzing and improving productivity is key to survival. Productivity growth isimportant to any organization becatuse more real income means the firm can meet its obligations tocustomers,suppliers,workers, shareholders, and governments (taxes and regulation), and still remaincompetitive or even improve its competitiveness in the marketplace.One of the Centres recentlyestablished at DeKUT is the Centre for Productivity & Engineering (CIPE) whose main objective is to boostthe productivity growth in Kenyan Industries,Corporates, Parastatals,State Agencies and
through trainings and consultancies.Torrent East Africa has partnered with our CIPE in thei
journey for
continuous improvement of industrial productivity to enhance the company’s competitive advantage.
In line with her mandate and this partnership, CIPE conducted a five-day training at Torrent East Africaon industrial productivity improvement, quality management and supervisory skills development. Thetraining was conducted for both managerial and manufacturing staff members to build capacity onproductivity and quality improvement in the company as a high-end manufacturer of bottle closures through injection moulding.