Kenya (Dedan Kimathi University of Technology) Absa Bank representatives holds a hangout session with the recruited DeKUT Student Ambassadors to equip them with skills and knowledge for the world of work.

DeKUT Office of Career Services (DeKUTOCS) strives to prepare students for work and entrepreneurshipand link them to this world. One of the University partners working with the office towards this goal isAbsa Bank Limited, a partner in the Absa ReadytoWork Program. This program is designed to equipyoung people with work, people, money, and entrepreneurial skills to prepare them for work, a core focusof DeKUTOCS.
On Tuesday,25th October 2022,Absa Bank representatives had a hangout session with the recruited DeKUT Student Ambassadors. During the session, the program was demystified further, and studentswho have already enrolled in any of the modules shared their experiences. The representatives andpersonnel of DeKUTOCS emphasized the need for students to have a big picture and a broad perspectiveof the value such a program can add to them in positioning themselves for the job/ business world as theygo through higher education and prepare for life after. From the discussion, it was clear that it’s a much-needed program for skills development beyond the classroom.