Mozambique (Catholic University of Mozambique) Fgti promotes lecture on prostate cancer

With the motto “prevention is the watchword against prostate cancer”, a lecture was held on the 16th of the current month at the Faculty of Tourism Management and IT, on the awareness of prostate cancer screening, alluding to the commemorations of the blue november – world month to combat prostate cancer. The lecture, which was organized by the College’s Gender and HIV Health Department, began at 9:30 am and began with a welcome note by the Faculty Director, Dr. Bianca Manager who on the occasion informed that this year, the Catholic University of Mozambique is promoting this campaign about Blue November and that the institution has a department of SGHIV that carries out awareness activities on Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender and HIV,

The lecture focused among the concepts of Prostate, Prostate Cancer; symptoms, causes; how prostate cancer starts, risk factors, how it is diagnosed; prevention and treatment. During the speaker’s explanation, Dr. Benjamim Lindon, practicing physician at the provincial Health Directorate, it was possible to understand that prostate cancer is a malignant tumor of the prostate, an exclusively male gland that is located just below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. Continuing, he said that for this disease, early diagnosis is very important because the sooner the screening is done, the easier the cure will be, the diagnosis can be made through biopsy; PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) test; Rectal touch and prostatic ultrasound.For prevention, adherence to a diet rich in fruits and vegetables was recommended; reducing consumption of saturated fats; practice of physical exercises; conducting control medical examinations, reducing alcohol and cigarette consumption. For the treatment he informed when it is diagnosed early, it can be cured and there is surgery for the effect. After the explanation, there was a time for asking and clarifying doubts, which were answered by the speaker and the other accompanying speaker, Dr. Saíde Sualehe, where, among the various questions, the lack of specialized material for the performance of some exams was focused; the fact that consultations are very expensive.Augusto Dambe, FGTI Health Counselor, questioned whether STIs had anything to do with the disease and how the patient is after surgery; the speakers replied that there was,

Other questions asked were about screening myths, the fact that screening is done through the anus, which discourages many young people from joining these services; the lack of information. In this circumstance, the speaker appealed that people should leave these myths behind and take care of the disease because prostate cancer is the male disease that kills the most in Mozambique. One aspect mentioned by the speaker is that little or almost no one goes to screening much more in cities, but in the countryside people adhere to these services. doctor Hermingarda Rapalião Jemuce, who moderated the lecture at the time, thanked for the rich lecture and called Professor Bianca for the final intervention,who, in turn, thanked the speakers and the DPS, saying that the event achieved its objectives and reinforced the message of awareness to men not to leave it for later and adhere to screening to prevent this disease. At the end, a family photo was taken with all the participants of the event, which ended around 11 am. After the event, the UCM-FGTI director and DPS speakers reinforced the idea that events like these should be held not only in November, but in other months of the year because you learn a lot. More than 30 people participated in the lecture, including the management of FGTI; teachers, CTA, students and speakers.After the event, the UCM-FGTI director and DPS speakers reinforced the idea that events like these should be held not only in November, but in other months of the year because you learn a lot. More than 30 people participated in the lecture, including the management of FGTI; teachers, CTA, students and speakers. After the event, the UCM-FGTI director and DPS speakers reinforced the idea that events like these should be held not only in November, but in other months of the year because you learn a lot. More than 30 people participated in the lecture, including the management of FGTI; teachers, CTA, students and speakers.



By: Hermingarda Rapalião Jemuce (SGHIV teacher and coordinator)


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