Sudan (Bakht Alruda University) Institutional Calendar Course

Organized by the Self-Assessment and Accreditation Unit at Bakht Al-Redha University Ahmed Ibrahim Youssef Reyes, the unit of self-evaluation and accreditation at Bakht Al-Reda University, and the deans and professors of the faculties, and their professors, and at the beginning of the opening session of the course, Dr. Zain Al-Abidin spoke about the task that was assigned to me as a difficult task that needs the efforts of the other in order to complete it and start to face the difficulties facing the unity, pointing to the great support that he found from Professor Hamoud and proud of him because he is lighting the way for them and he is the real supporter in his steps, describing him as polite, prolific science, and great humility, pointing out that he is one of those like these men stand behind the prestigious universities, and if satisfaction is lucky, this is the opinion in the field of basic and higher education. When I received this unit, it needed significant support and there was no budget, but Prof.

Moataz Bakri is overcoming all the difficulties that hinder the work of this unit, as well as Mr. Vice President who is not Lithuanian in providing support. I also thank the deans of the faculties who are also behind this unit and support it and praise its buttons, indicating that the university is in a late position in terms of classification We appeal to the university staff to work harder to reach what we aspire to, and it is not certain that the university has real scientists but their fingerprints have not yet appeared to the world … But with the revolution of globalization and modern singing, we are demanding quality and more improvement to reach an advanced ranking… Prof. Moataz Billah Bakri said: In the name of all of you, we welcome Professor Ali Hamoud Ali, Director of Quality and Evaluation at the University of Khartoum, who has a long history in the university teaching profession and has rich scientific and academic experiences. He also welcomed Dr. Afraa, Dean of the Deanship of Quality and Evaluation at Imam Mahdi University and her fellow professors, and it is not certain that they have to themselves to have quality and development in this administration because of the satisfaction it has received from History and heritage, perhaps the beginning of the rain is the beginning of this workshop led by Professor Hamoud and indicating that the best one to benefit from this workshop is the Faculty of Medicine and wishing the professors of the college to be more keen on this workshop … Professor Ali Hamoud Ali explained: that Bakht Al-Redha University is not strange to him so he was proud of the satisfaction he knew before it was a university as he was cooperating with the National Center for Curricula and when the idea of the university came I was with my colleagues with the University of Khartoum and other universities we represent the beginning in The Faculty of Education participated in the development of the curriculum of the College of Education and did not break my connection with it through the courses organized by the Professional Council of Sudanese Universities … and it was clear that the Ministry of Higher Education wants to make an evaluation of universities and to complete this stage by the end of this year and indicate that the luck of satisfaction is within this calendar and the university must prepare itself for this evaluation and it is clear that this course is a training course for the evaluation of the institutions and how to apply the standards of quality in higher education … He stated: In Sudan, the committee of the unit of self-evaluation, quality and accreditation was established in the Ministry of Higher Education in 2015 and this committee was renewed in 2018 and Mo Keda that these embryos face some problems, including limited funding and the large number of institutions of higher and private education and therefore must beWe control and classify these institutions to work with quality.

He added: The general concept of quality is improvement and development, and the concept of quality is the degree of fulfillment of the requirements expected by the beneficiary in the commodity or others. Available … This is at the end of the workshop, Dr. Dafaallah Al-Tayeb spoke on behalf of the trainees, greeting the professor of Bakht Al-Redha University, who are working with appreciated efforts to raise and develop the university, as Professor Hammoud, who carries the responsibility of evaluation and intonation to build Sudan and Sayullah Allah to extend to him the blessing of health and wellness, as certificates were distributed to the trainees


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