Zimbabwe (Africa University) AU and RWI launch 2022 Human Rights Summer School

Africa University together with partner Raoul Wallenberg Institute (RWI) with sponsorship from The Swedish  International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA),  launched the 2 – week 2022 Human Rights Sumer School that is bringing together students in law and human rights disciplines from universities across Zimbabwe including Great Zimbabwe University (GZU), Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University (ZEGU), the University of Zimbabwe (UZ), Midlands State University (MSU) and Africa University (AU) to interrogate and immerse themselves in  contemporary human rights discourse especially as it relates and applies to the African context. For  the duration of the summer school , the students shall be under the able and high level tutelage of academics drawn from Africa University’s School of Law, the RWI, and other participating universities.

The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law is an independent academic institution founded in 1984 and affiliated with Lund University in Sweden . The mission of the Institute is to contribute to a wider understanding of and respect for human rights and international humanitarian law. The vision of the Institute is just and inclusive societies with effective humanitarian law. Through Multi- disciplinary research and analysis for new knowledge generation, implementation of and support to Human Rights in Higher Education, support and advice  through cooperation with organizations and institutions and outreach that brings together key stakeholders to share insights and information, RWI is fulfilling its mandate through joint strategic affiliations and relationships with partners like Africa University .

Speaking on behalf of university Vice Chancellor Reverend Professor Peter Mageto during the opening of the summer school, Interim Dean of the College of Business, Peace, Leadership and Governance (CBPLG) Dr. Stanley Murairwa stressed the importance and critical need for human rights discussions and debates on the continent among various stakeholders and the  youth in particular, who are preparing for leadership roles in the future. He went on to add that immersion in human rights philosophy and best practice is key to sustained peace and development. Dr. Murairwa also said,

The purpose of this summer school is to promote, encourage the respect for and realize the fulfilment of human rights through impactful programming, teaching and learning. As partners, we wish to educate our global citizens who are poised to be the leaders of tomorrow with a deep sense of morality, responsibility and accountability.”

CBPLG Interim Dear Dr. Staley Murairwa addresses participants of the Summer School

RWI Programme Officer Mrs. Moreblessing Mbire said,

As the RWI, we seek to advance Human Rights through knowledge. We also create through forums such as these, unique meeting points that bring together persons from various sectors and backgrounds on neutral platforms to allow for dialogue and discussion. In this way, we hope to create just and inclusive societies with the effective realization of human rights for all.

RWI Programme Officer Mrs. Moreblessing Mbire

The summer school shall tackle the rights of persons living with disabilities, the rights of women , environmental rights and climate change, socio economic rights and ethical business in the developing world, and finally, cultural rights, culminating in a scintillating debate competition where all participants will engage at a high level harnessing the daily debate training and skills that shall also form part of the summer school curriculum.


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