On Tuesday, June 14, 2022, an awareness session for adolescents and young students on sexual and reproductive health took place at the Solidarity amphitheater of the University of Parakou (Up)….
Misr University for Science & Technology (MUST) is the first private university established in Egypt with nearly 20,000+ students. Since 1996, MUST has been recognized for effectiveness and notability of its academic programs as well as the success of its sustainability efforts. Must is well known for its dedication to excellence.
MUST is a nationally recognized technological university administrating a remarkable process of education and securing a highly-ranked research and scholarships in various fields.
MUST enjoys full legal recognition by all educational authorities In Egypt and is authorized to grant B.A, B.S, M.A, M.S, and Ph.D. degrees in different fields of study. All our programs at MUST have been accredited by the Supreme Council of Universities in Egypt.
MUST is an active member of the Association of Arab universities, the International Association of university Presidents and the Association of African Universities.
Al Motamayez District – 6th of October, Egypt
On Tuesday, June 14, 2022, an awareness session for adolescents and young students on sexual and reproductive health took place at the Solidarity amphitheater of the University of Parakou (Up)….
The Center for University Pedagogy and Quality Assurance of the University of Parakou (CPUAQ-UP) is changing hands. After two years and a week spent at the head of this structure…
The third vice-rector of the University of Parakou and her collaborators received on the morning of this Wednesday, June 22, 2022 a delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This…
The Mandume ya Ndemufayo University hosted this Friday, September 23, 2022, the act of launching the book entitled «Venomous Serpents of Angola – Identification and First Aid Guide» by researchers Luís Miguel Pires…
SECOND PHASE COMPLAINTS PERIOD IS AVAILABLE THE LINK: Candidate.umn-portal-pagamentos.ao/reclamacoes
Elle est dirigée par un Doyen, choisi parmi les enseignants chercheurs, il est élu par les membres de l’Assemblée de Faculté et nommé par décret. Pour conduire la politique de…
la prise de conscience de ses responsabilités vis-à-vis des populations, l’enracinement dans son milieu d’implantation mais aussi l’ouverture aux sociétés internationales scientifiques et médicales et à la société universelle du…
un environnement propice à l’épanouissement intellectuel et social (Professeurs, PATS, étudiants…) Visitez le site web : https://fsjp.ucad.sn
En date du 14avril 2022, l’ISTA a organisé un atelier de validation de son Plan Stratégique 2022-2026. Répondant aux questions suivantes : où sommes-nous? Où allons-nous ? Comment y arriver ? et comment…
ous le patronage du Recteur de l’Université du Burundi, l’Ecole Doctorale a organisé la première édition du mois de l’Ecole Doctorale ce jeudi 07 avril 2022 sous le thème : « Ecole…
Al Motamayez District – 6th of October, Egypt